COULOMB optimization through CPU parallelism
Walk you through the usage of Codee to optimize Coulomb, a code that computes electrical currents in 2D planes, by parallelizing computations on CPU.
This guide is part of the NERSC + Codee Training Series 2024. Code available for download at the previous link.
Getting started
First, navigate to the source code for COULOMB:
cd codee-demos/C/COULOMB
Next, load the latest Codee version available on Perlmutter:
module load codee/2024.3.1
1. Explore the source code
The computation is handled by a triple-nested for
loop within coulomb.c
for(int i=0; i<rows; i++) {
for(int j=0; j<cols; j++) {
double mat_ij = 0;
for(int k = 0; k < size; k+=4) {
double dx = vec[k+0] - (scaleX * j + x0);
double dy = vec[k+1] - (scaleY * i + y0);
double dz = vec[k+2] - (z0);
double charge = 1e-9 * vec[k+3];
double dist = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz);
mat_ij += charge / dist;
mat[j + i * cols] = mat_ij / (4 * PI * e0);
2. Run the checks report
To explore how Codee can help speed up this loop by offloading it to a CPU,
use --target-arch
to include CPU-related checks in the analysis:
codee checks --verbose --target-arch cpu coulomb.c:coulomb -- gcc coulomb.c -Ofast -lm
Date: 2024-09-05 Codee version: 2024.3.1 License type: Full
Compiler invocation: gcc coulomb.c -Ofast -lm
[1/1] coulomb.c ... Done
coulomb.c:26:2 [PWR050] (level: L2): Consider applying multithreading parallelism to forall loop
Suggestion: Use 'rewrite' to automatically optimize the code
AutoFix (choose one option):
* Using OpenMP 'for' (recommended):
codee rewrite --multi omp-for --in-place coulomb.c:26:2 -- gcc coulomb.c -Ofast -lm
* Using OpenMP 'taskwait':
codee rewrite --multi omp-taskwait --in-place coulomb.c:26:2 -- gcc coulomb.c -Ofast -lm
* Using OpenMP 'taskloop':
codee rewrite --multi omp-taskloop --in-place coulomb.c:26:2 -- gcc coulomb.c -Ofast -lm
Use --check-id to focus on specific subsets of checkers, e.g.:
codee checks --check-id PWR045 --verbose --target-arch cpu coulomb.c:coulomb -- gcc coulomb.c -Ofast -lm
1 file, 1 function, 3 loops successfully analyzed (6 checkers) and 0 non-analyzed files in 54 ms
Codee suggests various options to optimize the loop using OpenMP parallelization.
3. Autofix
Let's use Codee's autofix capabilities to automatically optimize the code, following the recomended option.
We can copy and paste the suggested Codee invocation to perform the
parallelization; just replace the --in-place
argument with -o
to create a
new file with the modified code:
codee rewrite --multi omp-for -o coulomb_omp.c coulomb.c:26:2 -- gcc coulomb.c -Ofast -lm
Date: 2024-09-05 Codee version: 2024.3.1 License type: Full
Compiler invocation: gcc coulomb.c -Ofast -lm
Results for file '/global/homes/u/user/codee-demos/C/COULOMB/coulomb.c':
Successfully applied AutoFix to the loop at 'coulomb.c:coulomb:26:2' [using multi-threading]:
[INFO] coulomb.c:26:2 Parallel forall: variable 'mat'
[INFO] coulomb.c:26:2 Loop parallelized with multithreading using OpenMP directive 'for'
[INFO] coulomb.c:26:2 Parallel region defined by OpenMP directive 'parallel'
[INFO] coulomb.c:26:2 Make sure there is no aliasing among variables: vec, mat
Successfully created coulomb_omp.c
Minimum software stack requirements: OpenMP version 3.0 with multithreading capabilities
double scaleY = (y1 - y0) / rows;
+ // Codee: Loop modified by Codee (2024-09-05 04:27:26)
+ // Codee: Technique applied: multithreading with 'omp-for' pragmas
+ #pragma omp parallel default(none) shared(PI, cols, e0, mat, rows, scaleX, scaleY, size, vec, x0, y0, z0)
+ {
+ #pragma omp for schedule(auto)
for(int i=0; i<rows; i++) {
for(int j=0; j<cols; j++) {
*** 38,41 ****
--- 43,47 ----
+ } // end parallel
4. Execution
Finally, compile and run both the original and the optimized code to assess the
speed improvements. The following SLURM scripts can be used as reference;
, and add execution permissions to the
chmod u+x
#SBATCH --account=ntrain6
#SBATCH --job-name=codee_c_coulomb
#SBATCH --constraint=cpu
#SBATCH --qos=regular
#SBATCH --reservation=codee_day1
#SBATCH --time=0:05:00
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=32
#SBATCH --gpus-per-task=1
export SLURM_CPU_BIND="cores"
rm -f coulomb coulomb_omp
gcc Vector.c Matrix2D.c coulomb.c -Ofast -lm -o coulomb
./coulomb 600
gcc Vector.c Matrix2D.c coulomb_omp.c -Ofast -fopenmp -lm -o coulomb_omp
./coulomb_omp 600
The optimized version ran on 1.90 seconds, while the original took 27.68 seconds, which represents an speedup of 14.57x.